CMS, ECM, WCMS … and your intranet software!

The world of intranets was a simple one before. Nobody ever thought about having the right CMS or ECM or even WCMS to support their intranets. But was it really that simple?! I believe everyone who ever worked on an intranet or used an intranet at work had the same old problem, once a page was created where to find it? Who is allowed to create pages? How to edit them? Who approves them?

Ebuzzing Social: Top 20 Brand Videos Of 2012

Online video becomes the star format for branded content

London, 15th January 2013: 2012 was characterized by a marked increase of online video in brands’ communication strategies. The top videos of 2012 ranked by Ebuzzing Social, the global experts in social video advertising, show the importance of this emerging format and its potential as a medium for original content and creative advertising.

In 2012 the sectors which had the most success in online video were Entertainment, Technology, Luxury and Drinks

  •  Samsung, Google, Red Bull and Dior all have 2 videos each in the global top 20 videos

Sports stars are the key to success

Quoting IT: CMS Selections Involve Marketing and IT

"A well-executed CMS selection process takes into account the needs and desires of both marketing and IT, creating a content management environment that has been optimized for those who are responsible for publishing content as well as those who are responsible for providing technical support."

 -John Fairley, Walker Sands Communications, "Don’t Let IT Hijack the CMS", CIO Update, October 3, 2012.

Elgg 1.8.12 Released with Dual License Compatible Code

Brett Profitt recently posted on the Elgg Blog that Elgg 1.8.12 has been released. Elgg is an open source social networking engine that provides a robust framework on which to build all kinds of social environments. Elgg can be found in a number of settings from campus wide social network to internal collaborative platform for small and large organizations alike.

Elgg LogoElgg 1.8.12 has been released with numerous bugfixes and improvements. Enhancements in this release of Elgg include:

Tiki 10.0 is here!

The Tiki Community is proud to announce the release of Tiki 10.0, the latest version of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. This release, with more than 600 code contributions by nearly a dozen Tiki Community members, includes many new features, some architectural enhancements, and many bug fixes.

Tiki LogoMajor new features and enhancements include:

Nuxeo Studio 2.9 Released

Unbelievably, I spent most of 2012 without writing a single article related to Nuxeo, an open source content management platform. CMS Report missed the opportunity for a great story in September when Nuxeo Platform 5.6 was released. At the time, we were busy migrating our own site to a new CMS and probably missed a lot of CMS stories that month. Luckily, we do have a Nuxeo related article to write before the year's end, the release of Nuxeo Studio 2.9.

The Photographer's CMS: WordPress 3.5 plus Photocrati 4.5

A few days ago, WordPress 3.5 was released and I originally planned to write the typical "what is new in WordPress" article similar to what I've done in the past for CMS Report. However, I thought this time around I would also discuss how I'm using WordPress to support the website of one of my favorite photographers, Karen Ruby of Dakota Imagery. Certainly, in this article there is no cause for you to suspect my opinions are biased with regard to her photography skills despite the fact we've been married for 11 years and she is the mother of my child.