Chandni Bhagchandani

Member for

9 years 1 month

An enthusiast writer, passionate about technology.I write mostly on Open Source services and technologies and currently working with CIGNEX Datamatics, an Open Source solutions company, based out of Michigan, US. You can contact me on chandni.bhagchandani @

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Top 3 Enterprise Mobility Challenges

Mobile application today has the power to transform businesses. With the introduction of smart phones and advancements in wireless networks, mobile technology has taken a different shape. Smartphones and tablets are being accepted as corporate tools because of access to network, services and applications provided at different layers. The users want to communicate with the customers, business partners and employees in real time – at any time and from any location.

The Rise of Robotic Process Automation

It might be bit difficult to accept the argument that robots are good for human race if you still live in the fantasy world of sci-fi movies. In real, the combination of machines and humans working together is something we have recently started accepting. Robots or you can say automated machines have taken the work load from human beings and have left us with time and energy which can be invested in achieving important value driven objectives. 

What is Robotic Process Automation?

Five Innovative eCommerce Trends in 2017

2017 will continue to be an innovator’s market, and if you’re not evolving to meet the needs of your customers or following along with the current trends, then there is a good chance that you’ll be left behind. A prediction by Internet Retailer claims that online spending in the U.S. will generate $355 billion in 2016, a number that's expected to exceed $400 billion per year by 2018.

Empowering Education in the Age of Big Data

Today the teaching pedagogy has changed dramatically. With innovations in technology and increasing student mobility, educational delivery is changing constantly. Many schools have adopted the idea of personalized learning and they examine each student on their cultural background, needs and interests to create a customized educational program to generate interest and maximize outcomes. Similarly, schools, colleges and universities across the country has infinite data on students, teachers and staff which has to be effectively managed and analyzed to uncover insights that can improve operational effectiveness and boost student engagement.

Why Enterprises Should Embrace Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation is bringing content, insights and experience together to generate value. The use of digital transformation helps enterprises to streamline their business processes which are essential for achieving ideal output. With the advent of upgraded applications, enterprises are investing major proportion of their revenue in digital technologies and in research and development for the organic growth of the company. Today, it has become important for all CXOs to look technology adoption in line with the business needs of each department and function.

Leveraging MongoDB - NoSQL Database for Large Scale High Performance Applications

With the emergence of new data sources such as social media, mobile applications, and sensor-equipped “Internet of Things” networks, enterprises applications today are adopting disruptive technologies to manage the higher volume of information; specially when the data itself arrives at much faster rates and is more complex and dynamic than existing transactional sources.

The scalable storage, powerful data processing and embedded analytics engines allows you to easily access, enrich and analyze variety and volume of big data to deliver real-time insights into areas such as operational performance, customer satisfaction, and competitor behavior.

Leveraging Open Source for Digital Transformation of Enterprise

Organizations have to constantly change and tailor their business strategy to meet the changing needs of internal and external customers. However, in recent years, they have not been prepared to take advantage of the digital paradigm that has enveloped and embraced every aspect of the customer lifecycle. The explosive growth of e-commerce, mobile and social media has completely altered the customer’s lifestyle and buying habits.

The Open Source Benefits for Businesses

The open source technology originated at the “bottom of the stack” with the Linux operating system, which has become one of the most popular operating systems now. In late 1990’s the term open source was coined and the evolution of Apache, Mozilla, Perl took place, while birth of “Commercial Open Source” was seen in early 2000. The adoption started moving up the technology stack in 2005 and post 2008, Open Source adoption by enterprises was seen widely and in 2012 open source became an integral part of every enterprise IT strategy.

What is Internet of Things (IoT) and its Impact on Industries?

A British entrepreneur, Kevin Ashton coined this term “Internet of Things” in 1999. Also called “Internet of Everything”, it is the way of interaction amongst network of physical objects or things included within software, sensors, electronics, and connectivity. It enables objects to transfer data inside a network, to connect with humans, with computers or with other objects.