Remote Work

85 Percent of US and UK businesses forced to adopt new cybersecurity protocols and tools as a result of COVID-19

10 November 2021 – Eighty five percent of US and UK employers were forced to adopt new cybersecurity measures because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the shift to remote working, according to SecureAge Technology’s 2021 COVID & Cybersecurity Study. When asked what types of tools they had implemented, 60% of US and UK business said that they had adopted cloud-based solutions, while 45% said they had embraced file level encryption and 41% had installed full disk encryption to bolster their cybersecurity infrastructure.

Research finds IT support positively transformed by pandemic as challenges accelerate innovation and agility

14 September 2021. The perception of IT support has dramatically improved thanks to the successful response of service desks to the pandemic, lockdowns and working from home. According to new research from the Service Desk Institute (SDI), sponsored by Sunrise Software, 65% of organizations said that the overall business now has a more positive view of IT support, with just 4% seeing a decline in satisfaction. This rose to 72% in public sector organizations, where only 2% say perceptions had worsened.

Emphasizing the importance of keeping organizations operational, 61% of respondents in the research had supported key workers during the crisis, increasing to 83% in the public sector.

7 Ways Technology Has Improved Patient Care

Technology is an important part of patient care and improves medication tracking and follow-ups. Various devices connect to the internet of things (IoT), making it easier for patients and their providers to stay updated on the latest developments in their health.

Research shows doctors misdiagnose about 12 million people a year. Such statistics have the brightest minds in medicine looking for solutions to common errors. Other challenges the medical profession faces are prescriptions interfering with one another, patients not taking advice and miscommunication.

73% of organizations suffered data breaches caused by phishing in the last year

London, UK – 3rd August 2021 – Egress’ 2021 Insider Data Breach Survey has revealed that almost three-quarters (73%) of organizations have suffered data breaches caused by phishing attacks in the last year. Remote work has increased the risk, with over half (53%) of IT leaders reporting an increase in incidents caused by phishing. The research also revealed concerns over future hybrid working, with 50% of IT leaders saying it will make it harder to prevent breaches caused by malicious email attacks.

The survey highlights the human cost of phishing – it found that in almost a quarter (23%) of organizations, employees who were hacked via a phishing email were fired or left voluntarily.

IT Leaders Rely on Weak Security Protocols Despite Extraordinary Increase in Phishing Threats to Remote Workers

BOSTON, July 27, 2021 -- A new survey of enterprise IT security leaders showed an overwhelming majority--almost 80 percent--believe remote workers are at more risk for phishing attacks now because they're isolated from their organizations' security teams. Despite the significant threat increase, more than 59 percent of respondents felt solutions such as video training (27%), email reminders (20%), and VPNs (12%), were sufficient solutions by themselves to keep organizations safe from what those surveyed said were the biggest security breach fears: damage to brand and reputation, and legal jeopardy.

Research: 94% of organizations have suffered insider data breaches

Human error is the top cause of serious breaches but malicious attacks are IT leaders’ biggest concern.

London, UK – 13th July 2021 – Egress’ Insider Data Breach Survey 2021 has revealed that an overwhelming 94% of organizations have experienced insider data breaches in the last year. Human error was the top cause of serious incidents, according to 84% of IT leaders surveyed. However, IT leaders are more concerned about malicious insiders, with 28% indicating that intentionally malicious behavior is their biggest fear. Despite causing the most incidents, human error came bottom of the list, with just over one-fifth (21%) saying that it’s their biggest concern.

1 in 3 employees has picked up bad cybersecurity habits since working remotely, reveals news data

SAN FRANCISCO - 15 JUNE 2021: A new report from human layer security company Tessian reveals that most IT leaders (56%) believe their employees have picked up bad cybersecurity behaviors since working from home. As organizations make plans for the post-pandemic hybrid workforce, Tessian’s Back to Work Security Behaviors report reveals how security behaviors have shifted during the past year, the challenges as organizations transition to a hybrid work model, and why a fundamental shift in security priorities is required.

Cutting Cybersecurity Corners at Home

5 Tips for Developing Your Employer Branding Strategy

Talent acquisition and talent retention are the two internal pillars mimicking the process of customer acquisition and retention, both equally vital for your organization. Despite their relevance, somehow, many businesses still fail to build an actual strategy that helps keep employees happy and engaged. One particular approach that contributes to the overall success of your organization is employer branding. In the US and other thriving business regions, a company needs to brand itself not just from a consumer’s perspective, but from the perspective of a potential employee.