Boye 19 Brooklyn: The Digital Leadership Conference
It has been a couple years since I personally promoted a conference through my websites and perhaps even longer since I've attended a conference. This was not an intentional decision by me but simply a recognition that in the past couple years I didn't find a conference I found worthy to promote. After awhile talks covering topics such as content management, digital strategy, and collaboration become noise so over time my interest in conferences waned. Then all that changed last week when Janus Boye contacted me to remind me that's he's rebooted his company and bringing his conference back to the USA.
Coming to Brooklyn, New York on May 7 - 9, 2019 is Boye 19 also to be known as The Digital Leadership Conference. I'll let you do most of your own homework about the conference, but here's an excerpt from an email Janus sent me:
But now, as I review the program for next month, I'm happy to say that we've done it again as a team. We might have gotten lucky, but it's a truly world-class lineup with a carefully planned program ready for you. A mix of new themes and topics composed of speakers and track hosts that I'm proud to work with.
Just from fleshing out the program and conversations with the track leaders, I've already learned so much. It's truly a fascinating time when it comes to digital leadership.
Keynote speakers for Boye 19 Brooklyn include Allen Gannett (TrackMaven), Kristen Kehrer (Data Moves Me), Nik Honeysett (Balboa Park Online Collaborative), and Sharon O'Dea (Digital Strategist). However, even the general speaker list is quite impressive with people such as Adam Rozan (Smithsonian National Museum), Amanda Skura (Audi), Deane Barker (Blend Interactive) and 20 others presenting at this conference.
If you haven't attended a content management, content strategy, or digital strategy conference in awhile and have the time on your calendar...Boye 19 is likely the conference you're going to want to attend in 2019. Talk to your boss and make it happen.